Demonstration - The Difference between Desire and Satisfaction

Talking, philosophizing, and sharing all have important roles in life. However, for results to show up, it is demonstration that's absolutely necessary.

Human Imagination (or Potential) is a gift. However a gift is practically non-existent unless there is a conscious possession of it and a readiness to use it.

- Neville

Consider the amount of time and energy you dedicate to talking, sharing or thinking about what you "know" about consciousness, awareness and manifestation. Then, look into your life and tell the truth about whether or not you have what you want. I think you will find that talking about goals and actualizing goals are two distinct worlds. It is the difference between desire and satisfaction.

It is your demonstration of your ability to fulfill the law necessary to expand to a higher level of consciousness that will deliver you to that consciousness. And it is a consciousness game that we are playing.

Regardless of whether it is a change in your finances, home, relationship, career, your physical body or how you spend your time, the manifestation of your goals begins with demonstrating your ability to fulfill the first law to expand your consciousness. That law is: Tell the Truth.

As Suzie Orman writes in her book The Laws of Money, The Lessons of Life, "Truth creates. Lies Destroy."

Knowing that you need to tell the truth is not the same as demonstrating, and will not reap the benefits of actually doing it. Once you demonstrate your ability to tell the truth, you will shift to another level of consciousness. And although it may be one of the more expanded levels of consciousness, the laws for each subsequent level must first be fulfilled.

By demonstrating your ability to tell the truth you have expanded to the next level of consciousness. You have left pretending and entered defending. It may seem like you are going backwards because this next level is very reasonable. But in actuality, you are moving ahead.

Regardless of this shift in consciousness, you must demonstrate your ability to fulfill the second law in order to actualize what you want. This law is: Go for Results.

Until you demonstrate your ability to tell the truth about this new level of consciousness and demonstrate your ability to go for the result, you will feel suppressed and dominated. It is the nature of this level of consciousness.

At this level, it feels like it is more important to be right than to produce the results you say you want. Nevertheless, if you are not creating the results you are either ignorant of the laws of consciousness or too lazy or unimaginative to attempt imagining anything beyond what your mind is being right about.

This state of being brings up all the reasons why your goal cannot be reached. It includes defending the "right" way or avenue for your goal to be accomplished. It demands that you be "reasonable" by its standards.

In this paradigm, learning becomes obsolete and imagination has no legitimacy. Access to many more expanded levels of consciousness, where results begin to show up effortlessly (or in the very least interestingly) is stifled.

You also become incapable of experiencing enthusiasm, cheerfulness, admiration and gratefulness. The absence of these vibrations in your body renders you immediately susceptible to worry, blame, and resentment as well as covert hostility, pain and an overall feeling of conspiracy.

Imagination is creative power. Its abuse in unrestrained, unlovely image making is obvious. But its abuse in undue repression breeds a sterility, which robs man of actual wealth of experience.
- Neville More often than not we demand that our goals be actualized through our limited state of consciousness. We hold on to past beliefs, allowing them to define a single avenue of expression for actualizing those goals.

Here's an example: You have the desire to go on vacation. At first, your mind will only consider that the results can be manifested through what it already knows. If you are holding on to the belief that the money you need for the trip is only available by working your regular hours at your regular hourly rate (and thus having it take a long time to save the money), then you are doomed to having it occur that way.

However, you could expand your consciousness to include the reality of money coming from other sources, known and unknown. You may also expand your consciousness by not being right about money being the only available solution. You could, for example, be the recipient of a trip as a gift.

Going for results means that you need to stop having to be right about the considerations you ruminate on, and recognize that it is you opposing results. Living in the past will not create a new future. All you get in the end is to be right.

People, places, circumstances and things are not your source. They are avenues, but never the source of your results. You are.

Demonstrating your ability to fulfill the laws of consciousness prepares you for and establishes you in the next level of consciousness. I know you know this. Now it is time to demonstrate it and create the results you want.

This is your life. Don't miss it.

Matt Garrigan is a motivational speaker, the founder of LifeForce Educational Corporation and the creator of The Liberty Experience Training, The Mastery Course and Awakened Potential. Matt has been a pioneer in the human potential movement since 1980. His exceptional goal oriented coaching techniques, expanded consciousness training, awareness counseling, integrity coaching and spiritual guidance have assisted thousands of individuals in transforming the quality of their lives. As a motivational speaker Matt