Affordable Political Research for Local Races

Politics is a guessing game. How far can I push an issue before someone is offended? Who do the voters perceive me to be? Will I have enough votes to win?

No matter the level of race, City Commissioner or National Senator, the questions are the same. The only difference is the access to the answers. It is so easy to make assumptions when running in an election. The assumptions are deadly. Why? Because you make these based on the words and observations of those who are on your side. You need to listen to all views. You need to have the courage to hear what everyone is thinking. Only then, are you able to modify your approach and ensure victory.

A coach who is successful realizes that the playbook is worthless if the players are not at the skill level required to implement the plays. He modifies the approach each year based on the team. He continues to modify as the season evolves. Eventually he will get the team in a position succeed with his system. A poor coach is one who blames the students for their inability, shames them by comparing their skills to previous teams, refuses to adjust and communicates to his supervisors that the talent just isn