Many people do not know it but a free marketing article can be much more powerful than a mini site and can also do a lot more to drive valuable targeted traffic to a targeted site.
Used properly a free marketing article can accomplish much more and penetrate much deeper than a minis site can ever do. What are mini sites? Marketers to capture several niche markets and redirect all the traffic to one main site usually use mini sites. Mini sites are mostly frowned on by search engines because of all sorts of things many webmasters get up to when promoting their mini sites and main site, some of which leading search engines consider to be unethical and against the rules.
Instead of all the headaches and extra work that has to go into mini sites, many smart online entrepreneurs use free marketing articles. They generate hundreds of them and post them both at their blogs and at selected leading search engines. Search engines love keyword rich articles and usually reward sites that generate them with good rankings and the sort of visibility that will usually generate even more traffic.
These hundreds of keyword-rich free marketing articles, carefully distributed are usually much more powerful and effective than any mini site can ever hope to be. The free marketing articles will tend to virally spread all over the net and they will also capture more targeted traffic than any mini site is capable of doing.
Get more information now to help you grow your traffic overnight using articles. See my articles marketing blog or get my high value email newsletter on the same subject, send a blank Email Now to get it Free. This is a limited time offer.