How Blogs can be Optimized for Search Engines

Blogs are indexed fast by search engines. Opinions about the reasons why vary at the moment but I compare blogs with websites and blog posts with webpages.

So, in order to score high in the search engines, this is what you should do.

1. Optimize your blog post. Every blog post has to be about one and only one (sub)topic. In that post you should target only one keyword and repeat that keyword several times in the body. You can sprinkle a secondary keyword throughout the text as well, but focus on your primary one. Also that keyword should definitely be in the title of your post. And if you use headers, put it in there too.

When writing your posts you always want to present valuable information to your readers while at the same time you want to satisfy the search engines for a certain keyword. Many blog posts are a personal opinion written from the heart, so sometimes that's a dilemma. Here's a little trick I use.

I just write my post in a text editor (I use Textpad (, easy to use, fast splitting of wrapped lines). I then save the post on my hard disk and fire up my tiny little free Keyword Extractor ( That tool immediately shows you which words you have used most. And that will often help to decide which keywords to use. On the other hand, written from the heart is often what searches want to find. So don't overdo it. Use this as a tool.

2. Use links in your blogs. If you use a link in your post, add your primary keyword to the anchor text. You can also turn that the other way around. See if you can find a valuable link for your primary keyword and then link to it. Here's why.

By their nature, blogs actually are simple text content directories. The blog software only let's you manage that content. Since most blog posts use text links the anchor text is very important. That's why you should include your keywords in them.

3. Very carefully select your blog categories. This strongly depends on the blogging software you use, but at some point your posts will get archived into categories. This is a very powerful feature, because it's like having a subdirectory or a subdomain on your website containing text about the same (sub)topic. You therefore should select your categories carefully.

They should be closely related to eachother. There's a natural tendency to keep adding categories as you write new posts about other topics, but don't go overboard. It's sometimes better to start a new blog than keep adding categories.

4. Define your blog theme. This is a bit vague, because it shouldn't be too broad or too narrow. It's very difficult to outline the borders here, but you can use the number of categories as a rule of thumb. You see, you can't cover all topics in one blog. So if you're about to add a new category that is somewhat unrelated, think about it. Maybe it's just better to start a new blog.

5. Link your blog to your websites v.v. People often forget that it's the linking that makes the Internet work. Linking all your sites, even the free ones, together can boost your link popularity. Since blogs are a lot of fun you sometimes forget to link to and from them. Don't let this happen to you.

At the bottom of every page on you can see the sites I operate. And yes, they link to eachother.

Also do not forget to link from your blog to some important pages of your own site containing valuable information. Blogging is quite anonymous and that's certainly the case with the feeds involved. You don't know who's reading your post in a feed reader. When you have links in it pointing to your site that can boost your traffic!

6. Make comments in other blogs Since blogs and blog posts are picked up really fast by search engines you can profit from this by adding your comments to other people's blogs. It's the natural way of exchanging links in the blog world. Posting useful and relevant comments frequently also brands you as an expert!

7. Provoke comments Blogs are great to express personal opinions. As long as you do not bash anyone and keep everything decent you can write provoking posts to stimulate your readers to post their feelings. Another way to achieve that is just ask. How about this one: Are Free Traffic Exchanges Valuable (

As stated above, blogs by nature are just text content directories. Posts are often about only one detail of a topic. A lot of text, less HTML and no fancy gimmicks. And for the most part the links from and to such posts are natural, sincere and very relevant. Combine that with the frequently changing content and there you may have the reason that search engines love blogs and index them fast.

So, what are you waiting for. Get your own blog. Post often and use the guidelines above to optimize them.

That's it for today. Wish you success. Case Stevens

Article by Case Stevens of AnOwnSite Internet Marketing Strategies His newsletter is called Affordable Online Strategies and that's where you'll end your guesswork and confusion! Finally your immense concern of building online income has become ridiculously simple ... just click below: Affordable Online Strategies