With the men folk absorbed in talks of spicing up their sex life with Viagra, the other benefits of Viagra to the human body take a backseat. People's view of Viagra is straitjacketed. They consider it just as an oral pill that can overcome ED, with some side effects. But apart from sizzling up your sex life and taking care of your erectile dysfunction, it has other benefiting effects on your body.
Reports coming from researchers in different areas of health at various universities have come up with exciting facts about Viagra. Researchers in Saarland University found out that Viagra can easily reduce the symptoms of Raynaud's phenomenon, a circulatory disorder. 16 patients who didn't respond to the standard medicaments of Raynaud's phenomenon were asked to take either Viagra or Placebo for four weeks and then switched to the opposite drug for another four weeks.
The results strongly favored Viagra as the better treatment. Patients who took Viagra had an average of 35 Raynaud's attacks as compared to the average of 52 attacks among patients who took placebo. Even the duration of the attacks differed. Patients taking Viagra had an average of 581 minutes of attack while the attacks lasted for 1046 minutes in the patients taking placebo.
Another research team has published a report that Viagra can help patients with a fatal pulmonary arterial hypertension that is affecting around 100,000 people the world over. According to Ian Adatia, Ch.B. M.B, associate professor of pediatrics at the University of California San Francisco Children's Hospital, children with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) walk farther and breathe easier when they take Viagra over the course of a year. 14 children with PAH, who were given Viagra for a period of one year could increase their six minutes walking time by more than 500 feet.
Viagra could come to the aid of mountaineers, who frequently face the wrath of deadly cardiovascular effects at high altitudes. Proper use of Viagra helps in reducing the high blood pressure to a great extent and facilitates the easy transportation of oxygen in the blood. It can enhance the ability to exercise at high altitudes too. Viagra can also improve circulation in the lungs. In fact mountaineers have many reasons to benefit from Viagra.
A finding of the Medicine Society of North America says that it can help in curing benign prostrate hyperplasia (BPH). Kevin V. McVary, M.D., professor of urology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, who led the study, said patients that were given Viagra showed encouraging signs of improvement in their erectile problems. The researchers also noticed a concomitant decrease in both the irritative and obstructive symptoms of BPH too.
A statement of researchers in John Hopkins University claims that fifty percent of the hormonal stress on the heart can be reduced with the use of this oral tablet. A test conducted on pregnant rats at the Vermont College of Medicine suggests that Viagra aid maternal uterine vascular adaptation and fetal health in hypertensive pregnancy.
All these reports and findings go on to prove that Viagra is not just about getting an erection, it could prove to be beneficial in other matters of health too.
Naorem is a freelancer who writes on various aspects of erectile dysfunnctio. Visit http://www.viagrathunder.com, http://www.buy-viagra-with-us.com and http://www.viagracare.com for the latest tidbits on erectile dysfunction