does it, and a few other very big companies does it, creates individual Google Adwords for ALL their products. In my role as CEO for eLounge (a new and upcoming Scandinavian Internet Bookshop) I have spent the last year trying to figure out a way to do the same with our own products without having to pay an advertising company $ 10-100.000 to create and control all the adverts.
The advantage of adverts on Google is that you only pay when people clicks on your advert (we typically pays around $ 0,09 per click). My experience from Denmark and USA says that this kind of adverts have a click rate on around 0.2%. So that for every click your advert has been exposed to about 500 people.
It took hundreds of hours to figure out how to build a system that can create individual adverts for all our titles (we have more than 2.000.000 titles), but in the end we succeeded.
To save other people a lot of time and troubles I would like to share how we managed to build the system.
First we tried out to build one ad for every product, but it turned out that Google don