
My eyes are squinting

as tears fall on my face..

The inages of my haven is now blurred

Swirling around me so fast

I couldn't help but stumble

and indulge in my comfort zone

I struggle between consciousness and unconsciousness

as the darkness continuously tempts me

towards a world where pain is never known

and my whole being, rested

preparing for another journey, another walk

but then an image appeared vaguely on my senses

and the darkness was dominated

slowly the image became vivid

I saw a familiar face

someone I see everyday

Someone I loathed for ruining my dream

I rose from my bed, grabbed my green notebook

and started doing my TLE homework

About the Author: The author was so sleepy and was tempted to finally doze off to sleep but then the image of her teacher appeared and she remebered she had to accomplish her homework or tomorrow she'd be dead.

Source: www.isnare.com