Successful affiliate marketing is all about idea generation. Ideas are what makes the difference between an affiliate earning a couple of hundred dollars annually and one earning over a hundred thousand on a consistent monthly basis.
It is really all about ideas. One idea alone can lift your affiliate marketing efforts to a level where your revenue and income will be exploding. A couple of ideas can get you to the moon.
The following affiliate marketing idea has done just that for numerous affiliates who have made an effort to carefully implement it.
It works only with affiliate programs that pay out commissions to second tier sub-affiliates that you recruit. The idea is to concentrate most of your efforts in recruiting sub affiliates under you. It helps if the affiliate you are marketing has a good landing page that converts well for new affiliate sign ups. The idea is to recruit hundreds or even thousands of affiliate marketing sub affiliates under you. Say you manage 1000 affiliates who on average give you just $100 each in second tier sub affiliate commissions every month. That is already an income of $100,000 and this is the affiliate marketing idea used by the big boys to earn those huge sic figure checks every month.
Learn more about the best home business opportunity from a blogger who rakes in thousands of dollars... and growing from their home business.