How To Pluck Fresh New Ideas For Writing Killer Sales Copy..

If you want to improve your writing, you probably spend a fair amount of time reading a variety of "How To Write Good Sales Copy" kinds of information.


You probably subscribe to a handful of newsletters like mine... you've read a few of the classic copywriting books by Claude Hopkins... John Caples... or Victor Schwab, and... you may have even read some "modern-day" books by guys like Dan Kennedy... Gary Halbert... and Joe Sugarman.

And this is good -- you're definitely going down the right track here.

Keep doing this, because knowledge applied in the right direction, really is powerful.

And in case you missed it...

The key word here, is... "applied"!

Anyway, what I want you to do right now, is to...

Completely Stop Reading These Books!

At least for a while anyway.

You see, you may not know it, but you could learn just as much -- if not more -- about writing effective sales copy, by reading fun stuff too, like fiction.

No, I'm not kidding, and let's face it, you also get a lot more involved and emotionally attached to the characters in a good novel, then in a good "How To" book, any day.


See, I just finished up a few AWESOME novels, and I'd like to show you what to look for when you're reading a good novel, and how to use this information to easily learn how to improve your sales copy.


O.K. then.

The first book I want to tell you about is called "Motherless Brooklyn", by an author named Jonathan Lethem, who's actually from Brooklyn.

If you like a good old-fashioned murder / mystery / adventure and suspense book, only one that takes place in modern times, then grab yourself a copy of this book -- you won't be sorry.

It's like a spy thriller, only there's no spies in this one -- just petty thugs and slick Brooklyn street hustlers.

Anyway, here's why I loved this book: Check out how well this guy writes, from page 155: