Addicted to Middle Eastern Oil; Change the Way We Power Our Automobiles

Well, the citizens of the United States of America have now admitted that they are indeed addicted to Middle Eastern oil. The President has stated this and no one can deny the facts. We all are indeed completely addicted to Middle Eastern oil. So what do we do about it? Well is simple, we must change the Way we power our automobiles. How so you ask, as this is not an easy task? This is true but if we leverage our minds against this challenge we will come up with new technologies and new ways to power our cars and in doing so we will indeed break kick the habit once and for all.

General Motors, Ford and the Chrysler group have all committed to building flex fuel automobiles. Over 4 million total next year. They will run on E85 Ethanol, which he is a blend of 15 percent gasoline and 85 percent ethanol. President Bush has stated;