Free Video On Demand (VOD): Overcome Broadcasting Boundaries and Reach the World

I can see it now...

You were in the shower, taking a walk, driving in your car or sipping a latte' at Starbucks when all of a sudden - WHAM! - inspiration struck. You were moved. Your emotions were stirred. You felt your creative juices flowing with ideas that quickly transformed themselves into visual images.

You took notes, sketched out a rough storyboard, or just picked up your video camera and started filming. Your creative talents started to evolve the mere idea into video form. What started out as simple words or thoughts were transformed into a 'living' entity of visual entertainment.

Not everyone shares your enthusiasm for it. So what. They aren't the ones you made it for. You made it for the ones like you - the ones who with one glimpse of your video come to experience the same emotional connection that first stirred your soul.

If people don't 'Get it' that's fine. You simply say, 'Next'. Because although within walking distance of you there may only be a handful of people who see it the way you do... on the Global stage there are hundreds of thousands if not millions who will embrace your creation with the passion it deserves.

The worldwide marketplace is waiting for you and your video creation.

But there's a problem isn't there?

How do you get your video from it's current point out to all those people? How much will it cost to store it, promote it, allow people to download it, take payments for it?

The real question is... why should you have to care? You're the creative genius who is best left to creative environments like developing the video experiences.

So where do you turn? Good question.

Several years ago there was only one choice... you found an agent, crossed your fingers and hoped to get a shot at Hollywood. In the past few years you could spend a few thousand, make a DVD and try to sell it yourself - counting anything above 'break even' as a success.

The truth... Oldskool 'broad'casting just doesn't cut it any more in the digital age of internet opportunities. Let's examine why.

The Limitation of Oldschool