The only way in which I can conceive of bringing this about is by the exposure of every known cheating method. I think I know them all. Here we go. In the following material I propose to detail every artifice, gadget, manipulation, distraction, and device used by cheats. If after reading them you still think you are being cheated at cards, let me suggest to you the joys of marbles and hopscotch.
Stacking the Cards
There is the popular delusion that when a deck is stacked, i.e., when certain cards have been put in certain positions in the pack for a crooked purpose, every card is in its special place and the gambler knows exactly where it is. The sharper does not live who can riffle the pack and retain in his memory the location of every card. Nor does the sharper live who can stack five or more cards for two or more hands without previous preparation of the pack. The truth is and remember it, whether your game is a beery bout of Showdown in a ginmill or the most recondite.
Scrane on cards
Contract Bridge at an uptown club