The Old Oak Tree was 1st Base

Oh if I could be a young ripping and romping grammar school ball playing whipper snapper one more time. The first thing I would do is go touch that old oak tree that was tagged many many times for it was first base.

There are some things which are so real yet they sometimes seem to have only been a dream. To visit the ole grammar school playground and look at the size and the features and you just wonder were we really here.

Those years fade and the school chums you remember have all gone to different parts of our world. Then so fascinating are their endeavors and accomplishments far removed from the pushing and tumble of our playground.

We the living human part of this universe move on to do things and look back with nostalgia and wonder did we really do the things we thought we did? The earth, ground, air and the trees stay and seemingly record it all.

The old hand pump water fountain with four 1/2 inch galvanized pipe standing like sentinels waiting for the next group for recess. The refreshing "iron water" flowing from their open ends are silent now no flow no cause. We have all gone.

Standing down there on the edge of the road like the "Taj Mahal" is our old oak tree yes, our first base. It never moved. It just stood there embracing us as we reached her safe and sound. The world has changed. Neon lights, interstate highways and world wars but old first base oak just stands waiting for recess time.

Never could we have learned this great game of baseball without a first base. We had the best first base any ball player could ever need. While old oak was first and still awaits another hitter, the third base has become a resting spot for a cinder block.

The double wide right rear corner is being held level by four well stacked cinder blocks. Now third base never had a nice budding oak tree to permanently mark its spot. Third base had to settle on being the granny hole of the marble playing.

One game of marbles was played using four holes in the ground. From the lag line the first three holes were in one straight line. Now, to shoot for the granny hole was going over to third base. The granny hole is a ninety degree turn from the third hole. It doesn't really matter for the marble players could only use the marble area when ball playing was not in progress.

The granny hole spot is where we placed a flat rock for third base. No complaints now for there is no recess crowd. Old oak tree still stands and awaits. Maybe the bell will ring and another bunch will come a running.

Not so old Oak, but thanks for staying,

Batter Up---Let's Play Ball...

Major Wiley B, Channell USMC (retired) hoping you join the baseball crowd over at for some all around baseball fun.