Profitably Using White Paper

Profitably Using White Papers
By Christine Taylor

Most B2B companies have a white paper under their belts or are planning to write one. But it's not enough to write a white paper. You also need to distribute your white paper to your prospective customers and channel partners. For example, channel executives can sharply increase qualified leads to pass along to their channel partners and can offer the same white paper for channel partner sponsorship. Marketing executives can generate a steady stream of qualified leads, passing hot leads directly to Sales, and successfully grooming warm leads through the sales cycle. And PR executives can raise brand awareness in the marketplace and leverage awareness into qualified leads for marketing campaigns and sales. Marketing your white paper correctly will increase qualified leads making back your investment many times over.

#1 Target your white paper to readers who need your technology - and know it.

White papers are notorious for sitting on a company's Website doing pretty much nothing. There are reasons for that:

A. The white paper isn't right for its target market, or