Curing Foot Arch Pain
Are you one of those people who are said to be flat footed? Having a flat foot is a condition where the foot does not have a normal arch. You may find it affects just one or both feet. The arch is the gap between the inner side of the foot and the ground when standing up. There are many people who have very low arches and some who have no arches and are termed flat-footed.
There are various symptoms associated with the condition, with the number dependent on the severity of the condition. Some sufferers develop corns and hard skin under the sole of their feet and the arch area can also become tender. Most flat-footed individuals tend go through shoes pretty quickly. In extreme cases some patients may experience calf, knee, hip and back pains.
What causes flat feet?
Flat-footedness may be hereditary so check your family history. It may also be the result of abnormal walking conditions caused by incorrect development of the foot.
A ruptured tendon may also cause flat-footedness. Cerebral palsy, spina bifida and muscular dystrophy can also result in a flat foot condition. Suffering from flat feet can lead directly to arch pain.
Some ways to treat flat footedness include: