Broadband Internet is an advanced and revolutionary technology that has allowed high-speed and efficient Internet service and connectivity. It is distinct in its operation from any other from of communication channel or network. In the ordinary base or narrow-band connection used in normal telephone lines, the fastest speed for transmission of data, even after using a speed modem, is only 56 kbps. Advanced technology in broadband allows a substantial amount of information to be carried and processed simultaneously at a faster rate. This leads to greater connectivity or web access, and higher download speeds. The Federal Communication Commission describes broadband as an Internet connection with a download speed higher than 200 kbps. The actual speed, however, can be as high as 256kbps, if not more.
A broadband Internet connection enables multiple data or information, video, image, audio or data signals of different frequencies to be transmitted simultaneously, at very high speed, to different network carriers. Broadband is like a tunnel with high capacity. There are different sub-tunnels, with each tunnel transmitting different information at a high speed. Each sub-tunnel is protected from any interference of disruption from the others. Distance doesn