Maybe Not

my sister is certain men also have hormonal cycles and

i began to see her point the morning i woke up

without a hard on and went through the day feeling i might

burst into tears at any moment grey sky sticky air

always about to rain but didn't and i carried an umbrella around

like a barrister less muddy

waters' "mannish boy" than mayakovsky's " in trousers"

sunspots raindrops sweat

with one hand on the steering wheel

and one hand in your blouse

as the road curves a church steeple

resembles a cardboard cut-out

glued to the sky

About the Author: "maybe not" is reprinted from Glued To The Sky (Burlington, VT: , 2003) and first appeared in Mudfish (NY, NY) n.7, 1993. DAVID COOPER's ebooks are published by ; his bio:
