The War on Terror is an Individual Thing; We Must Hunt Down Each International Terrorist Personally

The War on Terror against the worst of humanity rages on. We have international terrorists getting a boost from nation states who sponsor them. Now the International Terrorists believe they can defeat the United States of America by using terrorist attacks on innocent civilians. This is simply not so. In fact this is causing the war on Terror to get rather personal to most Americans.

Some supporters on the Internet of International Terrorists believe that the mighty US Military is impotent against the terrorists, because you cannot go looking for a terrorist cell with an Aircraft Carrier. Yet these folks who render this quick comment without observation of actuality clearly do not know what in the hell they are talking about.

I would advise such folks on the Internet Forums and Blogs who have been making these comments that; if you know any little maggots you may as well let them know that the United States is coming after them full force, they cannot run and they cannot hide, think about it! For anyone to count the United States as impotent against International Terrorism certainly does not understand the will and savvy of the American People, they must think we are a hoard of stupid ignorant people who do not understand what must be done with international terrorists and the nation states, which sponsor them.

We know damn good and well what must be done. I therefore believe that continuing to attack the US, its allies or assets anywhere around the world should be considered foolish and lacking of manhood. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author

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