If you have an eye for detail, you can save a lot of money while buying wholesale designer handbags for resale. At an auction, it is imperative to read the descriptions carefully, in order to bid appropriately. If you are planning to resell the handbags, it is also important to know if you are bidding on authentic or imitation ones. This information would keep you from being taken advantage of and would also aid you to appropriately price the handbags once you put them up for sale.
A good source for wholesale designer handbags is eBay. While the selection of handbags is not always reliable, it is worth checking out their wholesale category for price bargains. Once there, click onto ""women's accessories"" and type in the key words "handbags" or "purses" to search for wholesale designer handbags.
If you are looking for wholesale high-end designer handbags like Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, Versace, Burberry, Fendi, and Christian Dior, The Wholesale Clothing Registry is a good wholesale suppliers