Copywriting Tactic Used By Big Direct Mailing Houses Dramatically Boosts The Power Of Your Premiums

If you write copy that offers free ebooks, reports and other bonus material...and if you want to make those "premiums" much more likely to help you close the sale...then check this out:

Probably the best in the world at doing premiums are the big direct mailing houses and publishers.


Simply because they structure the way they offer their bonus material a bit differently than everyone else. Especially a lot of people online -- who like to offer ebooks and software that many people already have ten copies of.

What is this "secret" way of offering premiums used by the direct mail houses?

It's simple: They create ads that only offer premiums that -- by themselves -- could legitimately be charged money for.

In other words, if the premium they are offering can't sell on its own...then they know it's probably not going to improve response. And thus, they don't offer it.

That's why when you read their copy, you'll notice the bulk of their premiums are exclusive content. Like chapters from old books or material they own.

And you know what?

If you only give away "for real" valuable premiums -- and not anything people can easily get anywhere else, or something identically offered in a competitor's ad -- your response will almost always go up.

Ben Settle - EzineArticles Expert Author

Ben Settle is an expert copywriter and direct marketer. If you liked this article then check out Ben's website at -- and get your hands on over 500 pages of advertising ideas, strategies and tactics just like this one -- as well as rare swipe file ads and hot marketing information not easily found anywhere else.