Lake Victoria the Beaches and the Culture

After a long hard day being a tourist, after driving and walking in the hot equatorial sun head back to the hotel. What is needed to finish the day off and relax is not to sit in the hotel for your dinner, however nice the food and surrounding. You are on Safari and have probably traveled long and hard to get to see Africa proper. No; the hotel/lodge restaurant will just no do! Head to the beach in front of the hotel and relax on the sands of Lake Victoria and listening to traditional African music. Chefs from the hotel will cook on the beach whilst you relax and drink in the magic of this region.

A leisurely dinner stretching into the evening as the warm waters of the lake and the balmy African evening along with the traditional music will seduce you into loving Africa; life will never be the same; you have been warned.

This region of Tanzania has a rich culture, if you are lucky the young people of the area will come down to the beach to dance to the music. In Africa it is not the beat but the rhythms of the music that is important. A word of warning do not be tempted to attend any of the tired performances created for the tourists, but choose a place on the beach that the locals visit. If you want safe and neatly choreographed then I would surest Disney World as the better option. And if you feel the urge join in with the dancing. It is unforgettable.

If later in the evening the mellow story telling around a campfire and gazing at the night sky and stars of the Equator is just to boring for you