Colonic Hydrotherapy Schools

Colonic hydrotherapy schools give instruction and training in colonic hydrotherapy, a method of cleansing and detoxifying the human colon through gentle infusions of purified water through the rectum. Colonic hydrotherapy allows the entire colon tract to be cleansed which eliminates the buildup of toxins, wastes and bacteria.

A typical session of colonic hydrotherapy uses 25 to 30 gallons of warm water, with several intakes and outputs of water to thoroughly eliminate toxic waste matter. The practice of colonic hydrotherapy uses no drugs or chemicals. Students are trained to administer therapy, evaluate the client's progress, and determine if more treatments are needed. They are also trained to use light massage techniques as the therapy proceeds.

Classes in colonic hydrotherapy are available in continuing education form for health professionals. After colonic training, colonic hydrotherapists may charge fees ranging anywhere from $65 per session and up.

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K. Monteith is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. in association with Find Colonic Hydrotherapy Schools at; meeting your needs as your educational resource to locate schools.