Draft Day Blunders - A GM's Nightmare

This is the day that every team hopes to find that diamond in the rough, whether they get first pick or they are much farther down the picking order.

Draft day, and its many ups and downs basically rest in the hands of the scouts. NFL General managers hope that they have all the information that a scout can offer, and prey that they have done their homework on the pick that they suggest. Many times however, things do not work out as planned. What if the College pro turned NFL freshman never really pans out? What if the goalie that had a stellar year in the minors, that looks as if they could stop a sports car from entering the net flops?

This is definitely a NFL GM blunder, by allowing a large contract to be signed when the scouts are not up to par. There have been many such blunders in the sports world; the public however very quickly forgets many. For the General managers however, it will be a constant reminder that things went sour. Too many of these blunders and the general manager will find them selves in the waiting list for a new job. This is the day of dreams, or the day of nightmares it basically comes down to two things a great scouting core and a large amount of luck.

It is generally the manager that takes the fall for the bad signings, not the player themselves. Sure the player can be benched or sent for a conditioning stint back in the affiliate minor team for the city, but it is in the end on the general managers plate to consume. This is how so many good general managers fail, by not ensuring that they have a good scouting staff in place. Luck comes to everyone once in a while; a talent for finding talent is learned not handed over like a family possession. It is always the general manager that fails in the end.

Mark Barnes - EzineArticles Expert Author

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