Runescape The Game
What do over 197,000 people have in common with each other? Well, aside from being several times greater than the population of the great country of Liechtenstein, they also have just set the record of simultaneous online players all engaging in the same activity. This figure alone begins to tell a little bit about the story of the phenomenally successful only adventure series, RuneScape the game.
The success of the game is perhaps a little difficult to nail down as to what exactly it is about the experience that has so captivated its users. But, it seems that the game as a whole offers exactly what the gamers are looking for. The RuneScape operators seem maddeningly dedicated to expanding the game and evolving it constantly. This is probably fairly important as long, long, long sessions in from of the computer seem to be the rule, rather than the exception.
There are seems to be the hard to find semblance of structure and also of freedom in the game. Further RuneScape popularity will rely on new user growth. This also implies that player retention is of great importance. One way to do this, is to strictly ensure that all players adhere to the same codes of conduct as well as norms and rules. This offers newer players to grow and develop their skills while not playing in a frustratingly unfair and aggressively unequal world. But, there also seems to be not only the ability to play the RuneScape game within its accepted limitations, but also with the freedom that is accorded all who sign up and play whoever is next to you. There are several sites that allow players to exchange information and stories and tips on how to play. The game creators appear welcome to accepting ideas and thoughts on how to improve the game. There are events that take place giving a true sense of community, within those to play frequently. And that to me is the real reason behind one of the world