Are you a car lover? If you are a car lover and are considering a business of your own, perhaps you might consider starting an automobile detailing shop. Generally there are two types of customers who will want to use your service. There is the retail detail customer and the wholesale auto detail customer.
Both of these two types of customers can be lucrative if you're careful which services you offer and how you go about marketing your company. The retail detail customer would be the private car owner who loves their car sometimes more than their own children. Much of their love of the American automobile is tradition and some is ego driven. Neither of which should matter to you as you were should be more concerned about making money.
If your auto detail shop has a great reputation around town and plenty of referrals you may find yourself able to charge upwards of $180 to detail and SUV or $135 for a regular car. The wholesale auto detail customer would be a car lot, which has used cars that are traded in and need to be brought up to show room condition. Some auto dealers will go to the auctions in order to put used cars on their lots. Many used car lots will also go to the auto auctions and they will want those cars detailed so they can put pristine automobiles in their showroom and on their lot.
Additionally new car dealerships often have customization requests from customers such as pin-striping, special sealant protectors and custom graphics. All of these aftermarket auto accessory type services can provide your shop with more profits. An auto detailing shop is a very labor-intensive business and you'll have to watch management issues, but it can be lucrative business if you are careful with the market mix, the services you offer and the quality of the services you perform. Consider all this in 2006 and good luck.
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