San Antonio Independent School District Gears Up for College

San Antonio Schools held two college fairs as part of its GEAR UP program to help the class of 2012 get ready for college.

GEAR UP Fairs in the San Antonio Area

Current Sixth Grade students and their families attended college fairs at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Participants learned about basic college requirements, entrance examinations, and how to find financial aid. To add a little local flavor to the occasion, school cheerleaders and mariachis performed and refreshments were served.


Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) is a federally funded grant given to states to increase the number of low income students enrolling in college. The grant provides funding for six years in order to promote one class of students in college readiness from sixth grade through twelfth grade. Some GEAR UP funds go toward college scholarships for needy students.