Having a newsletter is vital to you making money from your website. It gives you the opportunity to remind everyone that you're website still exists, and to show them any new things that you've set up for them. Not only that, but if you write articles with advertisements on them and you let your subscribers know that you've written it, you're quite likely to get a lot of clicks on the ads, which means you make more money.
Running a newsletter might sound like a lot of hard work. Well that depends entirely on you really. Don't get me wrong, it wont run itself, but you can make your life a lot easier for yourself based on the choices you make.
There are many newsletter running companies around, which means you have a lot of choices. I'm only going to talk about a few worth mentioning and using in my opinion.
What Do I Write About?
This one can be difficult for some people. You need to remember that you're going to have to write something new every month or every week, this makes sure that your subscribers always have something nice to read and look at. If your website is about dogs, write a new article about dogs every time you publish your newsletter. The best thing to do is to get a piece of note paper and brain storm, write every word you can think of that is related to dogs (Or your topic obviously). This will give you a ton of stuff to write about. Once you've done one brainstorm and written a newsletter article, save that brain storm and do another one when another article is due, this will give you double the material to consider and should help you write even more interesting articles.
If you still can't think of anything, you're probably not trying hard enough, but there is another option if you really can't think of something. You can hire a writer to write articles for you. Some people will write articles for $5 each. You'll probably have to buy about 10 articles at a time from them though so it's worth it for them.
Now you just need an autoresponder to distribute your newsletter.
What's An Autoresponder?
Before I continue, there's something very important that you need to know. With an ordinary newsletter, you can only send out messages while your at the computer right? Well with an autoresponder you can be asleep and it will still be working away for you. Here's an example, for one of my newsletters on another site I run, I use an autoresponder. Every time someone subscribes to my newsletter, they receive a welcome email, thanking them for subscribing and telling them what to expect from me in the future.
Then every day, they are automatically sent an email article that I had previously set up. They will get a new email article everyday for about 10 days, then they'll receive the normal newsletter. For that newsletter I have about 5,000 subscribers. Imagine how long it would take me to sent out that many emails manually every single day! It would be a total nightmare. Thankfully I use an autoresponder to do all the hard work for me. I just have to write an article once, plug it in and then everyone can easily receive it.
So, what you're looking for is an autoresponder to distribute your newsletter and any emails that you want to send to your subscribers. If you're feeling a little lost, don't worry I'll guide you through the whole process.
Here's What I Use:
There is only one I will mention, because I've used it and I love it, technical support is quick as well. It's called getresponse. They have a free version you can use and try out for as long as you like. Obviously I recommend upgrading to the paid version as soon as possible because it's far better than the free version. But if you can't afford about $17, then the free version is what you'll have to deal with.
Stephen Warren is the creator of http://www.makeagreatsite.com Learn how to make a great site and turn it into a money making machine in no time. This article is free to republish as long as it is republished in full and the link back to MakeAGreatSite.com is clickable Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephen_Warren |