Using Credit Cards Safely Online
Online transactions through credit cards cannot be avoided whether you are a seller or buyer, and can be usually done safely and confidently if certain simple rules are followed.
There are different methods of online payments. Online credit card payments are accepted by business enterprises when they sell online. The card issuer verifies the credit card information and deducts their commission and then makes the payment to the business enterprises. Payments are also made through PayPal service. Here money transfer is done between electronic accounts in addition to using a bank transfer or credit card and the funds could be transferred to an account. In this service there is protection for seller and buyers and instant payments can be made. Most card issuers or financial institutions provide their customers with an option of checking their fund transfer, account balances and payment bills online.
Take care not to enter a card number unless a padlock (A web browser containing a symbol indicating the use of an SSL connection for communicating with a valid site) is seen in the window