Archery Competition: Introduction, Rules, & Scores

In these modern times, archery is no longer considered a weapon of war and destruction but an organized sport and a true test of precision and accuracy. The most popular of all the archery competitions is Target Archery. Here, the archer is given a target which he will have to hit with arrows from certain distances.

From 1900 to 1920, Archery was included in the Olympic Games four times. It was reintroduced in 1972 as an individual event and a team event was added in 1988. In the Olympics, only the recurve bow is allowed because the level of skill it requires. At the recent Sydney Olympic Games in 2000, Korea has dominated the playing field in this event, especially in the women's division. The Korean women won the gold, silver and bronze medals in the individual events and the gold medal in the team event.

The International Archery Association, which is an English abbreviation of FITA (F