The truth about credit repair is that even immediately following a bankruptcy, you may qualify for a credit card with some companies, if you are employed and have a checking account. Some companies will approve your application even if you are unemployed. This is not to say that bankruptcy is the best credit repair option. It is not even a good credit repair option. It is just meant to offer a little encouragement to those who are frustrated and believe that there is nothing they can do.
Credit card companies that extend credit to people with low credit scores and those who have just declared bankruptcy charge higher interest rates and fees. If you qualify for one of these cards, but not the lower interest rate cards, it is important to pay the balance off each month. Typically the line of credit will be very low anyway, but it is still important to monitor your spending. The truth about credit repair is that establishing a good payment history will help. It does not exactly offset the bad credit, but if you are able to get a credit card and pay the balance off monthly, credit card companies will typically increase your line of credit. This will improve your credit score. There are many factors which determine a person