Credit Card Rebates
Simply put, a credit card rebate is a cash reward a credit card company gives you for using their card. In terms of how the card actually works, the company that issues the rebate credit card charges the vendor from whom you make the purchase. You make the purchase from that vendor because you are getting cash back through your rebate credit card. The credit card company shares its earnings from vendor tie-ups with you, and thus attracts more customers. So everyone benefits.
Types of Rebate Credit Cards
There are a number of different rebate credit cards that cater to different types of people. The credit card rebate that works for Jack may not work for Jill. Or in starker terms, one mans meat is another mans poison. Some rebate credit cards are tailored for businessmen. Some credit cards give very high rebates up to 5% through certain programs. If you find that you fit into that program, and the purchases you normally make are in line with those offered by that program, you stand to save a lot of money
Again if you are a doting mother who just can