Discount Cigarettes

Cigarettes trace their origin to the 18th century. They became more popular after the Crimean War. The filter-tip cigarettes were introduced during the 1930s. It is now estimated that about 5.5 trillion cigarettes are manufactured each year by the tobacco industry and consumed by over 1.1 billion people. Presently, cigarettes are known by different names such as smokes, cigs, fags, ciggies, boges, snouts, darts and tailies, depending on where you live and what groups you associate with.

Several techniques have been adopted to market this product, of which the sale of discounted cigarettes is one of the most popular. Discount cigarettes are the latest in the various marketing practices to sell cigarettes. Its main aim is help the consumer avoid paying a high tax for cigarettes. In recent years, the market share of discount cigarettes has doubled. Discounted cigarettes reduce the risks involved in the cigarette market, including high state cigarette taxes.

Discount cigarettes usually include premium brands like Camel, Marlboro, Merit, Newport, Parliament, Rothmans, Winston and USA Gold. However, most cigarette brands are beginning to employ discounts to market their products. The discounts are meant, in part, to offset the rising taxes on cigarettes that are due to big tobacco company lawsuits.

Most warehouses and stores have their own online shopping facilities for discount cigarettes, thereby making shopping easier and faster. They provide options to choose from generic, premium and value cigarettes. In addition, some companies offer daily specials and free shipping. Prompt delivery is also assured. Please be aware that smoking is bad for everyone's health.

Discount Cigarettes provides detailed information on Discount Cigarettes, Discount Cigarettes Online, Best Discount Cigarettes, Buy Discount Cigarettes and more. Discount Cigarettes is affiliated with Personal Time Management.

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