Electric Dog Fences

Electric dog fences are a new option to keep your pets safe. Of all dog-fencing systems, the most flexible is the electric dog fence. Electric dog fences are popular among pet owners and dog trainers. A wide selection is available including the Ultra Deluxe with a comfort fit receiver,

The installation of electric dog fences is very simple. The components required include insulators, a pet-collar with a receiver, charger, heavy wire and fence wire. The boundary wire is buried approximately 1-2 inches below the surface. Ifs the pet comes too close to the boundary, the boundary wire sends out a signal. The pet-collar worn by the dog produces a beep sound, and the dog receives a mild electric shock.

Most of the authorized online dealers of dog fences offer free shipping services to their customers. When choosing a dog fence, it is good to check whether the retailer offers a money-back guarantee and warranty. Electric dog fences need routine maintenance, so pet owners who have electric dog fences must check it regularly in order to avoid accidents.

Electric dog fences must be "broken in" for the dog. Even the the fence does provide an electric shock, telling the dog not to go there, it can still run across the boundary if not trained properly. Once your fence is installed and your dog is wearing the receiver, take it on a leash and slowly show it the boundaries. The extra time and care spent will ensure your dog never wanders too far.

Dog Fences provides detailed information on Dog Fences, Electric Dog Fences, Invisible Dog Fences, Wireless Dog Fences and more. Dog Fences is affiliated with Wire Dog Containment Systems.

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