Getting Over Acne in Your Teens

For those teens with acne they should not worry so much as that time will pass and it is generally an issue with many kids developing super high amounts of testosterone and that is not necessarily a bad thing at all.

In fact a child or teen with high testosterone has some advantages over others when growing up and often turn out to be quite good athletically and extremely successful later in life. Some have theorized this is because a body, which can produce high levels of testosterone, also has more chemicals traveling thru the brain.

More chemicals in the brain can cause acne and this can be so very troubling for youngster due to name calling from friends and acquaintances. Also we know that those kids that produce more testosterone are generally those who also typically have behavioral issues because they cannot keep still.

This makes sense because they are producing huge amounts of chemicals in their brains and this makes them work at higher levels and indeed makes it hard for them to handle and control the raw emotions and super high energy, yet all that is not necessarily a bad thing and indeed it discipline is very much a part of growing up.

It would make sense to explain to kids with acne that they should not feel less self esteem due to name calling, but rather realize that their bodies are actually working better and producing more than the next kid and therefore, in a way one could say they are superior. And we need to help channel that energy into perhaps sports or some other endeavor and help them with products to keep their faces clean as to minimize pimples and acne. Please consider all this in 2006.

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Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author