Motivational Equation: Find the Switch and Turn People On

When determining how to eliminate or overcome obstacles that stand in the way of one's taking action, you must analyze the Motivational Equation and learn how it applies to that particular person. The equation looks like this:

(Want x Reward) + Tools = Degree of Motivation

(Difficulty - Time Frame)

How do you "salt" the motivational quadrants? Look at the first element: want. This is easy to understand. In order to successfully tap into your prospects' motivation, one of the first things you have to understand is what they want. This also includes what they need, what their goals are, what they are trying to accomplish, what turns their crank, where they want to go, etc.

The second part of the equation is reward. Is it worth it to your prospects to take action? What is their reward for doing so? What are they going to get? What's in it for them? Is it something they can understand the value of fully? Can they feel it, touch it, taste it - crave it? Let's look at some of the stages your prospects might be in: