America's Problems are Derived from a Lack of Taste

Overweight people in America who live in the suburbs sure do love their massive SUVs. The weird thing is, with the money these people pay for these bus-like pieces of metal, you can buy a very attractive smaller and sexier car. Maybe obese people have different definitions of the word sexy. Maybe these people have just given up on looks. The outside world's view on our culture is based on the observed lack of taste among Americans. Americans drive down the road, and don't think twice about how tasteless their cars are, how ugly and unemotional their fast food restaurants are, and how self-centered the American life has become. Our children aren't studying science and engineering, instead they are all going into business school so that they can continue this tasteless pursue of the big buck. Most of these corporate minded individuals are the ones you typically see hogging the road in these SUVs.

It seems that now a days everyone thinks that they are entitled to everything the world has to offer. Bratty 21 year olds are traveling the world and wearing $200 outfits, and these brats in our tasteless society are usually the "popular" ones. Students who are going into science and engineering are usually laughed at, since they take the road less travelled, the road where understanding our world and trying to make it a better place is more important than possession.

The amount of tastelessness that would make someone want to live a bigger is better life is just montruous. In this awfull time to be alive, we are planning on erecting the tallest building in the world on the site of the world trade center. This architectural design completely lacks artistic integrity, and only serves the pursuit of ego and the new American tastelessness of bigger and better. In fact, most people who actually live in New York City won't be able to even see the top of this proposed monstrosity from hardly anywhere in the city.

I think we need to stop defending our rights so much, i really don't see how we are intitled to have everything. What is so outstanding about our "democracy" that makes us think we deserve more than France and England. These are the countries where more than 90% of the world's current scientific knowledge was discovered. I think they have a right to be proud and I really hope and pray that God is blessing them. I think Newton and Galileo where greater individuals than all of our founding fathers combined. In fact all of our founding fathers where slave trading biggots.

And for people to say that God blesses America are just tasteless themselves, because God is looking at us like the rest of the world is, with a disgusting look on his face.

Jeff Dinges, is a freelance author who currently lives in Atlanta, GA, and works as a civil engineer.

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