I was out'a site!
I know, by now you are snug and cozy in your own web host's warm fail-proof server with megabytes oozing from every web page.
Right now your probably beaming with confidence because you know that your web host considers any technical glitch appearing on your website, as a personal affront. I am sure also, that you are benefiting from the spaciousness of a 'gig' or two of roomy server space.
This, you no doubt demanded to accommodate the throngs that are attracted magnetically to your website daily, while you reluctantly allow them to purchase your wares.
Alas, I once knew that same tranquil feeling!
Emphasis here on the past thence, for I recently was required to "trip the Internet fantastic" in search of a new web host.
You see, one day when I discovered that my web forms would no longer perform, I calmly reached for Mr. Bell's gadget to inform the hosting company of my little quandary. After all, I had been a star boarder for over two years and quite naturally was under the silly impression that all my problems would be quickly dispatched, instead I was!
It appears my web host had recently decided that tech service was just too trivial and bothersome to be of importance.
In addition, I had the audacity to relate such an insignificant topic by phone. I guess in some hosting circles answering the telephone is a real no-no.
I was briskly informed I must send in what is called a