If you are thinking about starting a home business as a marketing consultant...and are looking at a structured program by an expert to learn from (instead of doing it totally on your own), then chances are whatever program you get involved with will have some sort of CD or DVD that does much of the selling of your services for you.
What I mean by that is, they give you tools that give your prospects an idea of what you can do for them. And all the prospective client has to do is pop it into their CD or DVD player and they'll know whether or not you can help them or if they want your help.
Now, as someone who has created one of these CD's for my own system I can tell you there are two ways to use these tools and you should probably test them both.
One way is to make someone listen to the CD before you even meet with them -- sort of as a prerequisite of even talking with them.
Problem with this is they usually don