Mobile Home Owner - Homeless

Do you own your own Mobile Home and rent in a Park? Did you know you live month to month at the mercy of the park owners? Does your rent get raised and raised and raised? What can you do to protect youself from becoming homeless?

If you are reading this article you are the owner of a Mobile Home and rent in a Mobile Home Park. You are at the mercy of the park owner. At the owners whim - you and your families rent could be raised so high that you will literally be booted out into the street.

The park owner will not blink and eye or shed a tear while you are standing on a corner in dirty, torn clothing with a can in your hand begging for money.


When there is no rent control implemented - this happens everyday over and over again.

In a senior park where the Mobile Home Owners are living for the most part on a fixed income what do you do when the mail box roars in with a letter from the owner reading,