The Secret Of Capturing Great Photographic Composition

You know if I had only a few lines to write about what the secret is to better digital photography I would really say it consisted of three things.

1. The first is technical knowledge. (Technical knowledge gives you control over the camera and as a result give you the images you want.)

2. The second is light. (Light gives focus and clarity and sharpness in a picture. Without the right light, no matter how much you know about your camera the image won't turn out.)

3. The third is composition. (That's the arty side of digital photography.)

Let me explain this very important third point.

Composition is your angle at which you take the digital picture. The right angle can create the right emotional feel about what's going on in the picture. The wrong angle can completely distract you from creating the right and appropriate emotion for the picture. Angle is composition and composition tells a story. It's the emotional part of digital photography indeed.

I'll give you an example.

Imagine a beautiful child. You want to capture the child's inner beauty and innocence. What angle do you think will create the right emotion? Will it be from above? What about from the side? Will it be far away or close up? The answer is it depends on what feeling you want to create in the photo.

So the right answer would be: "What emotion do I want my viewer to feel when looking at the child?" If you were to create a tender emotion then perhaps a close up of their face with their eyes looking straight at you might be one thing you do. Or perhaps you capture an angle from front on, but a head and shoulders shot, that captures more an active feel? Whatever feeling you want to create, remember that it's all in the angle you take. You are the artist, so feel free to create the emotion on the image and use your imagination.

But it doesn't end there.

Digital photography is such intense fun that it is, you must continually work at it and find ways to improve. Your digital photography learning goes right throughout your life. And just wait until I have put together my online photography course....I'll keep you tuned in on that one.

So thank you so much for joining me and I hope to hear of your success and your learning and your joy of digital photography. And please send me your pictures you have taken and the things you have discovered from learning and doing more with your digital.

Best wishes,
Amy Renfrey

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