The Best Offers in Digital Satellite TV or Cable Television

Digital television service is all the buzz in 2006. With companies like Dish Network, DirecTV, and Time Warner Digital Cable battling it out to be your number one provider for TV service. Which one of these services will be your top pick this year? Will you go for price, or features?

Aren't the best offers in digital television the ones that meet the consumers personal needs and desires? Some of you may want the cheapest satellite or cable TV service, while others want all of the extras they can get their hands on. First lets take a look at the promotions offered as of the time of the writing of this article.

Cable television has recently leaped into the digital TV promotions arena with cash back incentives and lower rates on TV service for a set period of time. Recent Time Warner Digital Cable promotions include:

While DirecTV satellite service has always been big on promotional offers, they seem to be a bit sluggish this year in comparison to Time Warner and Dish Network TV services. Current promotions offered by DirecTV include:

The best promotional offer for digital TV service in 2006 is from Dish Network, hands down. In addition to the standard promotions listed below, some Dish Network retailers even offer extra incentives like free home theater systems on top of Dish Network's standard promotion. Dish Network's current promotion includes:

Not only is Dish Network satellite TV service tops in promotional offers this year, it is the most configurable of the big three television service providers, with plans for the most frugal or the most feature rich programming available with more HD channels available than any other network.

Dish Network has set up their promotional offers to last. For example, with their $100 cash back offer, you'll basically be getting Americas Top 60 and higher for the price of the next cheapest package for the next ten months. This is appealing to consumers who are tired of short lived promotional offers.

Keep in mind this article was written in June of 2006. The jury is still out on what DirecTV or Time Warner intend to do with their promotional offerings of digital television service the rest of the year. Promotions are always great when getting started, but the ones that last are the best digital television deals.

Daymon Hoag is founder of Cheapest Service provisioner of Dish Network Satellite TV

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