Is Your Personal Environment Too Clean?

Did you know it is actually possible to have too clean of a home? Did you realize that when your home environment is so clean that this can actually cause health issues? This is because the human body and immune system has been well adapted to live on the surface of the planet with all types of diseases, viruses and pathogens.

Your immune system is well engineered and the human body is in engineering marvel. However, if your immune system never gets a workout because you live in a super clean environment then when your immune system does detect a slight irregularity or germ it goes ballistic and attacks that area. Sometimes it goes overboard and overkill and that means the immune system may also in up attacking normal healthy cells.

That is kind of a bummer for the clean freak. Are you someone who likes to make sure that your home is completely clean and that your living environment is spotless? Many of us are and if you are like that you may actually be causing yourself and health risk. That is unfortunate indeed.

It is amazing that the human body and the human immune system constantly needs something to be working on hand that when it has nothing it operates differently. This may be something that you and your family may wish to consider when cleaning your home; clean your home well, but do not make it into a clean room. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

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Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author