There are only two occasions in a domainers lifetime when he cries.
# One is when he lands a super sale with 3 to 5 figures. ~For example when he sells his domain then there are tears of joy in his eyes.
# And other is when the domains get stuck in the portfolio and that $7 to $8 registration fees is also not recovered.
~Another example here is When the huge portfolio which had been build up with lots of investments starts getting expired because there is no money to renew the domains and wait for yet another year.
# But nowadays I am seeing other type of crimes which makes a domainer cry.
~Domains Thefts.
~Domains Bought with generated traffic. (When the domain is in his possession there is no traffic).
~Artificially inflated prices. (In Domain After Market and Auctions).
~Looking at others (This one is a classic. People buy lots and lots of similar domains if they hear that particular keyword sold for XXX.)
Photoshop and even MS-Paint can do wonders with the screenshots of the traffic.
So the moral of the story is to watch out for scams and pitfalls and learn from Mistakes that had been already made by others. There is no need to learn from the mistakes made by us.
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