Why...Why...Why...Do People Buy???

Why...Why...Why...do people buy???

The #1 reason why sales copy and advertisements crash and burn is the failure to produce any human emotions!! The deepest core of the human psyche is emotion. Emotions, whether consciously or subconsciously, control every buying decision we make.

It may surprise you to know that people, in general, do not really care about you or what you are selling. People are really only concerned about themselves and "What's in it for me?"

Why did someone choose the $200,000 house instead of the $150,000 house? Why did someone choose the $30,000 car instead of the $15,000 car? You can bet it was because of an emotional benefit!!

Learning how to appeal to people's emotions will produce an immediate change in your sales! You can have all the traffic in the world coming to your website, but if you lack the emotional connection to your prospects, you are destined for failure.

Knowing which emotions to capitalize on will increase your sales volume. The more of these you can incorporate into your content, the better results you will get for your efforts.

There are certain words in the English language that when read, create an emotional response. The big names in marketing use these words every day to create compelling content that increases the potential for higher sales! These words play on specific emotional senses that we each have. These words give us the warm fuzzies about the product or service we are considering.

Why would you want to spend all that time in design to generate the emotions needed to compel a visitor to buy only to allow them to bookmark it and forget about it? There are certain key words and phrases that will compel them to act now, not later!

Did you know that your color choices for your marketing materials are directly associated with triggering certain emotions? Have you ever noticed how fast food restaurants are decorated in vivid reds & oranges? Studies have shown these colors to encourage diners to eat quickly & leave. It's no accident that you see alot of red & black on adult sites. Studies have proven these colors have sexual connotations.

Another critical element in creating effective sales and marketing material is to reduce the clutter!! It might interest you to know that the human brain finds it relatively easy to grasp things in threes. i.e. A, B, C,; 1, 2, 3,.

You absolutely MUST produce a buying desire through the customers emotions in order to get them to buy! Knowing this is only half of the equation. Knowing how to do it is an art!

Stay Tuned!!


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christie_Smith