Enhancing Your Self-Esteem: 5 Principles to Remember

Self-esteem enhances performance in every area of life. It is an abundant supply of positive self-regard and recognition of the Creator's unique gifts to you. It is a favorable opinion of self without feeling the need to prove your worth.

Encouragement given to others is a great catalyst for their achievement, and it is the same for you. When you encourage yourself, you feel more decisive. You are able to tap your potential more quickly.

Here are five important principles to remember about self-esteem:

1. Those with high self-esteem take complete responsibility for what happens in their lives. Instead of wasting time finding fault, they look for ways to change themselves to create new circumstances.

2. Self-esteem does not need outward approval. It is sufficient in and of itself.The individual will accept other's approval with gratitude, but intuitively knows when he or she has done well.

3. Self-esteem sees from a perspective of abundance, not scarcity. It carries the confidence to ask for and accept with gratitude a limitless supply of God's love and goodness.

4. Self-esteem is filled with faith and forgiveness. The person believes that they can have the life they desire. They trust their creative ability enough to reach for their dreams. They forgive themselves when missing the mark, and continue toward their objectives with tenacity and resolve.

5. Building high self-esteem after feeling low self-esteem is a process. It is helpful to spend time each day focusing on things done well. Record each of your successes. Congratulate yourself for the smallest victories.

Take a few moments each day to focus on and reinforce your strengths and potential. You'll be pleased with what you discover.

Wishing you blessings and success,

Steve Brunkhorst