What To Look For In A Balance Transfer Credit Card
When shopping for a new balance transfer credit card, take the time to compare a number of credit cards, as the terms and conditions of these offers varies greatly. There are numerous things to consider before you take this step of choosing a new card. Be sure to read the fine print.
First, you need to have a plan on why you're applying for this new balance transfer credit card. If it's to consolidate two or three credit card balances from higher interest credit cards to a card offering an introductory 0% APR, there's more you need to know. Some issuers charge a fee for each balance transfer transaction. This can amount up to 3%, or a flat fee of $35.00 for each transfer. So if you have a number of account balances you want to consolidate, you need to figure this charge in also.
Some financial institutions only offer the 0% APR on the balance transfer amount and not on new purchases. So if you've transferred balances to this new credit card, and then you use the credit card for new purchases, when you make a payment it is applied toward the lower APR balance and you're assessed interest on your new charges. It isn