Refusal of credit
If you wish to avoid one or more of the above out comes, you should be trying to keep your credit card debt under control. One way to do this is to simply stop using them. Discipline yourself, or if this is too difficult, take the credit cards that you are using, out of your wallet or purse, so that you cannot give in to the temptation of using them. This way, the amounts you pay back will start to reduce your outstanding balance and you will get things back under control.
Another thing you should be making sure that you are doing is repaying more than the minimum repayment on your monthly bill. Many cards allow you to repay just the interest, and if you are doing this, it means that you are repaying none of the actual outstanding balance each month so even if you stop using the credit card, you will not be paying them off. You are simply servicing the debt. You should make sure that you are paying back the credit card balance over a reasonable period.
Article Source:
Peter Kenny is a writer for creditcards-gb
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