Three Tips To Help You Benefit From Golf Video Instruction

Golf video instruction can be a powerful tool in helping any golfer improve their handicap. Yet many golfers do not fully benefit from them. The reason is that their approach is wrong and they are therefore unable to benefit from the practical advice and tips received through golf video instruction.

Here I carry three tips to help you benefit and reap the full rewards from golf video instruction tapes.

A) Watch the whole golf video instruction tape to the end first and then slowly review it starting from the beginning. Quite as you enjoy watching the golf video for the very first time, most of the instructions and tips will hardly be remembered. Exactly the same thing happens when you read a book whose contents you want to retain. This is why it is very important to go through the golf video a second time carefully taking note of the all the instruction and tips. It is not a bade idea to record it all in a note book.

B) Apply only one golf video instruction tip at a time to your game. Usually you will end up with a huge volume of instruction and tips from the golf video. It is therefore advisable to apply one at a time, rather than try to apply several and when you do not seem to get any result, you simply abandon everything. This is exactly what most golfers do. Be patient and apply the tips one at a time. You will find that some do not work for you. Do not get discouraged, move to the next one and patiently work your way through your entire list.

C) Combine you application of the golf video instruction with a golf-specific exercise program. There are many things in golf which will be extremely difficult to apply to your game if you are not physically fit. Or at least golf-fit. Some techniques can even increase the risk of injury if you are not involved in any golf exercise program. Ensuring that you are golf fit is a very important requirement for reaping maximum benefits from golf video instruction tapes.

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About The Author: Mike Pedersen is the featured expert for Golf Magazine's site, one of the top golf performance experts in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Take a look at his just released golf fitness dvds and manual at his golf swing tips site - Perform Better Golf.