The Sentimental Meaning Of Flowers

For me certain types of flowers bring back a flood of memories. I remember in my early teens visiting my best friend who had moved to the country. We would spend hours in the field next to her property, talking and picking the petals of daisies in a game played by many, he-loves-me, he-loves-me-not.

This memory can rushing back two days ago when I was waiting in line at the supermarket and happened to glance at the bouquets for sale. Amongst the mixed bouquets, there were daisies. This flower has special meaning in my heart. I associate it with my best friend who I lost to a car accident when we were both 17.

Flowers definitely bring an emotional response and we remember our happy and sad times through them.

The first time I inhaled the sweet fragrance of a carnation I was enthralled. It happened when my father, took us to Greece to visit his parents. As a 7 year old, this strange land captivated me. I vividly remember my first response when we made our way up the hill where my grandparents