Pixel Ads Growing Exponentially
OneBuckPixels.com, a unique alternative to your everyday
advertising methods has been stirring up quite a bit of buzz
selling 'Pixel Ads'. Thousand of visitors flooded into the
website after the official launch on Friday, September 28. The
high level of consumer interest has created a very effective
word of mouth campaign that is highly aiding in the success of
this off the wall advertising venue.
OneBuckPixels has kicked up a bustling interest in advertisers
eyes. It didn't take long to see the rapid maturity of this
clever new advertising method. No more than 24 hours later was
the first official pixel ad purchased, and a short two hours
later when the next would arrive.
Businesses and webmasters can purchase pixel ads on
OneBuckPixels for (yes, you guessed it) one buck per pixel.
Although the minimum ad buy is 10x10 pixels, advertisers can
create larger ads, in any shape or form (assuming it is
divisible by the 10x10 ad blocks). One of the most unique
features of purchasing pixel ads is the fact that once it is
purchased, your ad will remain in place for a minimum of five
years. "Advertisements will be placed for an absolute minimum of
five years. Although we say five years, we expect the website to
live for much longer and anticipate its lifeline to be well over
ten years." - Says CEO Jason Rodriguez.
The OneBuckPixels pixel grid consists of 1,000,000 pixels or
10,000 total ad blocks, meaning that advertisements are limited.
So where is the site to go once the 1,000,000 pixels are sold?
According to Rodriguez "The site will continue to grow, even
after our inventory is filled. We are working on a few ideas as
to what we can do to continue the growth and keep consumers
interested. I can assure you that this site will not die and
will continue to work in both the consumers and advertisers
benefit over the years."
For more information about OneBuckPixels visit